We cannot forget the invaluable services rendered by our former Principals.

Prof. John Satyanathan was instrumental in establishing this college. He was the formerly Principal of Kittel College. He took charge of the new college as its In-charge Principal. During his short tenure of one year 1973 - 74, he put in much effort to set the college on the right track.

2. PROF. N. B. GHODKE (1974-1990) :
Prof. N.B. Ghodke took charge as Principal in 1974. Earlier, he had served as a lecturer in Economics at Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya, Nanded. He joined Kittel College and served as Reader in Economics. He made a name as an eminent scholar, renowned economist, great orator, prolific writer and an able administrator. He served for 16 years as a Principal. He was nominated by the Government of Karnataka twice as a member of Syndicate and once as member of Senate of Karnatak University, Dharwad. He laid good foundation for the all-round development of the College.

3. PROF.A.E. GOUDER (1990-95) :
Prof. A. E. Gouder served in this College as a Lecturer in Commerce, right from its inception. He became the Principal in 1990. Before coming to this college, he had served in Kittel College. He was known for his discipline and good administration.

4. Dr. C.V. RAO (01.07.1995 to 31.10.1995) :
Dr. C.V. Rao was working in our sister institution, Kittel Science College since 1976 as a Professor and Head of the Department of English. He was appointed as the Principal of this college on 01.07.1995. Although he served for a short span of time he left his indelible impression as a good administrator.

5. Dr. S. N. HANCHINMANI (1995-2002) :
As a teacher in Accountancy he won the admiration of students. Dr. S. N. Hanchinmani was working in our sister institution Kittel College as a Lecturer in Commerce. His services were transferred to this College in 1976. He worked as a Lecturer and Head of the Department of Commerce till 1995. He assumed office as the Principal of this College on 1st November, 1995. He was the most popular teacher particularly in Accountancy. He was a very resourceful person and a dynamic administrator. during his tenure, organized State Level Commerce Teachers Symposium. He put utmost effort in getting financial assistance from funding agencies i.e., UGC and matching contributions of the Management, he made all efforts to extend the college building and improved the library. Based on the demands of different stakeholders, he took keen interest in introducing a new program viz; B.C.A. (Bachelor of Computer Applications) a degree course catering to the need of the hour.

6. Dr. I. S. MALEKAR (2002-2014)
Dr I.S. Malekar, Associate Professor of English in Kittel Science College, took over the reins of the college as Principal with the superannuation of Dr. M.N. Hanchinmani. During his tenure as the Principal, the College saw many improvements in academics and extra-curricular activities. He carried out the far sighted vision of the previous Principals and put in immense effort in augmentation of infrastructural facilities for effective teaching and learning processes. It was in his time that the Auditorium, Gymnasium, Network Resource Centre in the Library and extension of Office, Computer Lab and Ladies Room was undertaken and completed. He also contributed his skills as a member of Syndicate and Academic Council, Karnatak University. To help students in acquiring English communication skills, introduced UGC sponsored and University recognized Certificate Courses on "Communication Skills" and in addition to this, he also introduced value added course on "Public Speaking Skills". He provided ample scope for the all-round development of students with special emphasis to sports and cultural activities. The college got recognition for its cultural activities and sports in his tenure.